District Teacher Leaders

PLC (Professional Learning Communities) LEADERS

PLC Leaders will guide PLC teams in studying student achievement data and instructional strategies, support teachers by engaging in peer observations, and collaborate on the planning and facilitation of professional development. Our TLC PLC Leaders are Amy Chester, Hannah Holthaus, Scott Stroud, Sarah Sudol, Jennifer Kalainoff, Ben Kalainoff, Levi Miller, Chaya Feldman, Crystal Moore, Katherine Ortmayer,Tyler Lockwood, and Mindy Foelske.


According to Sweeney (2011) Student Centered Coaching is about setting specific targets for students that are rooted in the standards and then working collaboratively with teachers to ensure that the targets are met.  This is accomplished through 6-week, on-going coaching cycles throughout the school year.  Key points: collaborative (with teachers), student learning focused, data-driven, on-going, and non-evaluative.  Our instructional coach is Mindy Foleske.


Todd Liechty, Superintendent
Dean Youngblut, 7-12 Principal
Shannon Wurzer, K-5 Principal

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